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For Families

Founded in 2000, Ububele has developed models of community-based mental health care to address the emotional trauma of South Africa’s past, the ongoing mental and physical effects of the cycle of poverty and the daily challenges faced by individuals, families and communities.  

We strive to achieve the vision of a world where secure, physically and psychologically well-cared for children grow up to be emotionally healthy adults, competent parents and concerned citizens.

Our mission is to positively impact on the mental health of disadvantaged South Africans through the development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of interventions and training programmes which focus on infancy, early childhood and experiential group work. 

If families are supported and strong, they are more likely to be able to meet the needs of their children.  And well supported children are more likely to become active, contributing citizens in our beloved, though fractured, country.

Many of our For Families services are offered free to residents of Alexandra Townships. By using our paid services you can help fund free services for residents of Alexandra.

Ububele Educational & Psychotherapy Trust

1 10th road, Kew



South Africa


Phone: +27 11 786 5085

WhatsApp: +27 79 407 5461

NPO number: 010-472NPO

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